Ctenoplusia albostriata (Bremer & Grey, 1853)
Scientific name
Ctenoplusia albostriata (Bremer & Grey, 1853)
Plusia albostriata Bremer & Grey, 1853
Abrostola subchalybaea Walker, 1865
Abrostola nubila Moore, 1887
“China sept.”(Beijing)
Tamil Nadu
North Western Himalaya
Forewing pattern of C. albostriata very much similar with other plusiinae species C. oxygramma (Geyer, 1832) and Vittaplusia vittata but some characters distinguished it from its closely related species as follows: Gamma mark shorter than others and less straight; forewing cinereus coloured, hindwing fuscus with paler basal area. Male genitalia valvae without saccular lobe.
Wingspan 32-35mm. Head and thorax covered with fuscus scales with black spots. Clypeus also covered with greyish-brown scales. Frons and vertex greyish-brown often with erected scales. Antennae filiform in both male and female. Scape, pedicel and shaft furnished with brown scales. Collar with a black band present. Forewing ground colour greyish with brown colour tinge in it. Sub-basal, antemedial and postmedial waved lines are dark brown. crescent moon like structure present on medial area outlined with black colour. White streak line starts with basal area and ends with post medial line of median area. Hindwing dark greyish with paler at the base. Male genitalia valvae broader with rounded cucullus. Clavus medium sized. Uncus long with spined tip; tegumen shorter and broader. Saccus and vinculum cylindrical shape. Vesica long with terminal cornutus and spinose field present near the carinal area. Female genitalia with longer ductus bursae; posterior apophysis longer than the anterior apophysis. Corpus bursae broader and longer.
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